Take off from someone I lost the recipe darnit - I was gonna leave a review - shoot LOL


Okay I found a 3 ingredient recipe that I tried simply because I had all the ingredients but I failed to label the bottle. I had assumed it was a new recipe. Now I have no idea how I found it. But I realize I did leave my flavors out where I left them it's obvious what goes in here and I kinda remember the numbers. I know the 4% strawberry ripe for sure but the others while I know are less I am less confident in how close I am. In any case it was great!! So trying to recreate it here. If you created this or almost this please claim your recipe and give me the name so I can look it up and leave a review. :)


FW Cookie Butter     2%TPA Strawberry (ripe)     4%TPA Vanilla Custard     1.5%

Total Flavor: 7.5%