Kiksuya Chew


I’ve messed around in the past with a Red Man chew flavor, but could never quite get it. It’s always involved the RF Molasses, but the rest of it was always a bit tricky. Red Man always tasted like molasses and raisins to me, so Raisin Rum started making its way in to my attempts. It’s not a straight up raisin, but the raisin that is in there is pretty good, and the rum aspect of it isn’t totally out of place in a recipe like this. While I don’t really get a whole lot of chewing tobacco from Tatanka, it does have a really nice, full mouth feel to it, which is important if you want to make it seem like your mouth is full of delicious and thick spit (have I sold you on this recipe yet?) Red Oak is here not so much because I ever got an oak taste from the chew, but I just wanted something a little earthy to go with the tobaccos, and Red Oak also has a thick sweetness to it for me. Gold for Pipe was an idea that came from @ebc88. He thinks it tastes like chewing tobacco, so I threw her in, and it came out quite nice. I was a little worried about it bringing some smokiness to this smokeless tobacco, but I think with everything else it does more for body than anything else. Pack your cheek with some Kiksuya Chew today! I’d also suggest going with at least 70% VG to help with some more sweetness and body. Get thicc. @ID10-T got some dryness in the Mixers Club sample that I sent out. If you happen to also find it a bit dry, try .5% FLV Lovage. It was in earlier versions, but in attempt to trim up the number of flavors, it got axed.


FLV Raisin Rum     0.5%FLV Tatanka Tobacco     1.5%INW Classic For Pipe Gold     1.5%RF Molasses     1.5%TPA Red Oak     1%

Total Flavor: 6%