Tütün v2


A golden Turkish tobacco, with undertones of classic Eurasian spice and subtle dried fruits. This time with some adjustments in consideration of feedback. INW Gold For Pipe - Using this as the primary base, nice light blend of tobaccos with slight sticky sweetness. Some notes from ELR mentioned citrus notes but it's pretty indiscernible for me personally, just adds to the slight fruity undertones here. INW Gold Ducat (reformulated version) - Mellower than the old one IMO, but still a moderately dense body that adds some dimension to the vape, brings some smokiness and spice with dry fruit notes. INW TA Oriental - Taking CBV's recommendation to use only one of the INW orientals, opted for the TA and bumping it up from 0.75 to 1.5% EDIT: bumped to 2%. Fuck it bud I'm just gunna send it.


INW Classic For Pipe Gold     1.5%INW Gold Ducat     1.5%INW Tobacco Absolute Oriental     2%

Total Flavor: 5%