Chobani Mango (Greek Yogurt)
This is a Greek Yogurt with Mango.
To create the mango I wanted I combined FLV Mango 3% with CAP Sweet Mango 1.5% and added 1% of CAP Juicy Peach to get a more authentic mouthfeel as a perfect ripe mango does. To tame down the sickening sweeteness CAP Sweet Mango brings to the mix I threw in 3% Golden Pineapple and .7% CAP Lemon Lime and these 2 flavors brighten up the mango flavor as well. CAP Lemon Lime has a dual purpose in this mix. It brightens up the Mango and it turns the FLV Cream and FA Cream Whipped into a Greek Yogurt. I have been experimenting with this for quiet some time and usually I would throw .4% of INW Cactus against it to turn it into a Greek Yogurt but in this recipe it affects the mango flavor too much.
As always .2% Super Sweet is optional and in this recipe not really necessary.
If you like your yogurt with some cereal in it, 2,5% CAP Cereal 27 does the trick.
You can vape it right away, but it takes 1 week to grow to it's full potential.Recipe
CAP Golden Pineapple 3%CAP Juicy Peach 1%CAP Lemon Lime 0.7%CAP Super Sweet 0.2%CAP Sweet Mango 1.5%FLV Cream 1%FLV Mango 3%FA Cream Whipped 1%Total Flavor: 11.4%