Simple Creme Brule Base


This is a very simple crème Brule base recipe it was designed for other mixers to be able to add and adapt to their own recipe. I think that its pretty enjoyable as it is but there is plenty of scope to be able to take this recipe in many directions to fit many different taste, personally I like it with some TFA toasted marshmallow and FW blueberry. Flavour notes are simple just like the recipe Inw Crème Brule 2% This is obviously the star of the show here and it does that top crust note very well you can almost taste the crunch. Sadly the custard part does lack a little and that's where we needed to boost the recipe. Inw Custard 2% I choose inw custard over the usual cap v1 for many reasons the main one being steep time it develops so much quicker. Inw custard is thinner than a lot of the custards on the market but that's not always a bad thing and in this recipe it means that the crème brule top notes still shine through without getting drowned in thick richness of cap v1. However crème brule is a thick desert and to get that accuracy we needed still to add something else. CC Devon Cream 1.5% I love this concentrate and its my go to for many recipes and it pairs so well with inw custard. Its a thick, rich and buttery cream that gives the recipe that last bit that it lacked before. Devon cream is quite a strong concentrate and 1.5% is plenty to boost that custard note and still letting that crust layer from the crème brule to come through I find if you push it much past this that buttery note takes over and starts to taste greasy. Cap super sweet 0.5% this is just my go to sweetner and there is no reason why you couldn't changed it for brown sugar, caramel or even butterscotch to boast that caramelised sugar note Mix it as is or change it about, add fruits or boost those dark sugar note. Do it your way that's why we love Diy.


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%CC Devon Cream     1.5%INW Creme Brulee (yc)     2%INW Custard     2%

Total Flavor: 6%