Sweet Popcorn Butter MTL/POD


I've got this pod thing I've been trying out recently, and all the top DIY pod recipes are fruity flavors, save one which I don't have ingredients for. I wanted to put a dessert into it (and have been digging Creme Brulee recently) so I made this. Using Yes, We Cheesecake with Creme was inspired by Ruderudi's Creme Brulee Cheesecake. This is probably not a polished recipe, but the end result is a very thick and sweet dessert that's reminiscent of popcorn butter. Would recommend, I've been puffing on it for months and it's still good. edit: upped the creme brulee and sweetener, it's better


FW Sweetener     1%INW Creme Brulee (yc)     5.5%INW Yes, We Cheesecake     2.5%

Total Flavor: 9%