Watered Melons (Water Malone Remix)


Watered Melons, is a great Watermelon flavor up front, with a nice sweet melon finish. Plain, Simple, and tasty! I had stumbled across the DIY or DIE show where Wayne talks about Water Malone. I've always wanted a simple watermelon flavor and never found it. I was super stoked to see all the positive feedback he got on it and wanted to give it mix. However, I didn't have a few of the flavors so I decided to give it a shot and replace what I didn't have with what I do. I replaced the FLV Watermelon with Cap Sweet Watermelon, the TPA Dragon Fruit with INW Dragon Fruit, and the FLV Wild Melon with TPA Honeydew (because I'm a sucker for Honeydew vapes). I was well aware that changing these flavors around would drastically alter what he intended for the recipe to taste like but I was blown away with what the mix turned out to be. I've tacked all the missing flavors onto my list to order and am looking forward to mixing up the real Water Malone and seeing how they compare side to side.


CAP Double Apple     4%CAP Super Sweet     0.5%CAP Sweet Watermelon     3%INW Dragon Fruit - Pitaya     2%TPA Honeydew     1%

Total Flavor: 10.5%