Over the Top Indulgence


So this is inspired by @TamVavpes her goo in my butter cake. https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/119884#goo_in_my_butter_cake_by_tamvapes I wanted to make an over the top cake that I would love to eat for REALS **FW sponge cake and JF yellow cake** combine to create a sweet dense yellow cake base for this mix **FA Custard premium and JF dulce de leche** combine to create a thick creamy vanilla caramel dairy filling for this cake. TPA dulce can work but JF just has more body, flavor and no off noes it is just easier to work with . FW is a watered down light caramel with little to no body or dairy notes. FA preium custard is a short steep caramel vanilla - ish custard. (it does have dicetyl so FYI) ISome get egg notes, I cant say it is a very prominent and not something I can pick up in a mix **FW Butter pecan and FW butterscotch ripple** combine to create a creamy butterscotch topping for the cake This is a little bit of a steeper the longer the better but starts to come alive at 7 days best at 2 weeks Additions: this is a pretty sweet cake and really does not need any sweetner. VTA has a desiccated coconut that would work really well as a top note and is yummy. VT honey comb is also a nice texturing addition to this mix and has a slight chocolate note . "Learn more about mixing here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/diydownunder/ https://discord.gg/kH4Fqbc https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTCwb7ULyfJALQlehomZZQA https://www.diydownunder.com/


FW Butter Pecan     1.5%FW Butterscotch Ripple     2.5%FW Creamy Sponge Cake     3%FA Custard Premium     2%JF Dulce De Leche     2%JF Yellow Cake     2%

Total Flavor: 13%