Mango and Orange Fruit Joose


A refreshing and Thick Ripe Mango & Orange Liqui-Fruit style of Fruit juice. The Mangooo: This single concentrate Screams with that Super Delicious Ripe juice that you normally get from a perfectly Ripe Mango. Not only does it smell great, Its a spot on in taste, Thick and sweet -RIPE mango that leaves that delicious Ripe Sweet Mango aftertaste. Orange: _INW Shisha Orange_ - The most vibrant and realistic Fresh Orange FRUIT concentrate in my arsenal!! this adds that in your face orange zest vibe to the mix. but be careful , This orange can leave a bit of funny chemically taste if you use it too high in %, I generally stick to the .5-1.5% range on it. _CAP Juicy Orange_ - Another great Orange, this one brings in more of that Orange Juice feel instead of a Orange Fruit feel. So I used this to boost that orange from INW without having to increase the INW orange. _FA Blood Orange_ - Another awesome Orange, add everything else that the other oranges are missing _CAP Sweet Tangerine_ - Such a nice Natural sweetner, I just love this Spot on Sweet Ripeness thats so reminiscent of a perfectly ripened and Sweet Juicy Tangerine. This is where Im getting that Sweet Syrupy Citrus vibe from, its not enough to over power the Orange, but the sweetness is definitely more prominent compared to the more Zesty or Tartness that the Orange has. Additives: _Oba Oba_ there to aid on a Fuller Feel, but this also blends the Citrus more into a creamy combo. _WS23_ Increase or Decrease to your preference _SS_ - Add if you want to, I did 2019.02.26: Update - Replaced CBE Double mango with FE Mango


CAP Juicy Orange     0.99%CAP Sweet Tangerine     0.99%FLV Cream     0.22%FE Mango     3.33%FA Blood Orange     0.99%FA Oba Oba     0.99%INW Shisha Orange     0.66%OTHR WS-23     0.33%

Total Flavor: 8.5%