Tuney Flamed Nanas (cheesecake banana flambe #MIXIN VIXENS)


Mixed for the mixen vixens the image this week looked to me to be a graham cracker base with a philly cream cheese filing and a banana flambe topping On the inhale of the vape you get the dark sweet caramelized notes followed by the sweet vanilla cream cheese and slight cooked caramelized banana finish **FW Graham Cracker** is a solid graham cracker with some vanilla butter notes - it creates the base for this mix along with **JB biscut** for some additional texture and butter notes **INW yes we can cheesecake and INW creme brulee** work well together to create a creamy filling very similar to the philly cream cheese . It is more of a creamy vanilla then an authentic Italian cream cheese filling. The burnt sugar note of INW cream brulee is also used in this mix to support that flambe note . The **SA banana flambe** is a sweet cooked banana, that initally can be a bit like candy but has a really nice full body. It is noticeable on the back end of the inhale but is light on the caramelized sugar and rum. To support the caramelized sugars and syrup I added **Jamaican rum, golden syrup and smokey butterscotch** FLV smoked butterscotch adds a woody warm note on the back end which is really unique., and build off of the rum. VT golden syrup is a darker sweet syrup that has a nice sticky mouth feel **NOTES/SUB**: This is a sweet mix on its own so does not really need sweetner but if you want to add more would recommend FLV sweetness .50% Banana Flambe can be subed with Molinberry soft banana or WF banana puree ( for a slightly brighter top banana) if you want more of a cake note then TPA banana nut bread has a solid banana note and could work here . In other versions of this mix I have subed Smokey Butterscotch for FW butter pecan if you do not want that smokey note but you want more texture and swet nuttiness to the mix or WF Butterscotch cream pie for more cream and lighter butterscotch top note .


FLV Smoked Butterscotch     1%FW Graham Cracker     1.5%FA Jamaica Special (jamaica Rhum)     1.75%INW Creme Brulee (yc)     2%INW Yes, We Cheesecake     2.5%JF Biscuit     1%SA Banane flambĂ©e     2.5%VT Golden Syrup     1.5%

Total Flavor: 13.75%