Apple Custard Pie


My first recipe when I started DIY was an apple pie recipe. At that time I thought it was a great apple pie and I still think it's really good but I wanted to make an even better apple pie. Instead of trying to modify my original recipe I decided to start from scratch and this is the result. The crust of this pie (FA GC/CAP Cinn Sugar/FLV Pastry Zest) I borrowed from @RinVapes Cinnamon Pear Tart ( This is an excellent crust that would work with a lot of different pies in my opinion. I did increase the percentages since she does mix low and I think it works perfect here. The apple custard layer (PUR Country Apple/FLV Apple Filling/INW Custard) was inspired by @mlNikon who seems to be a fan of PUR Country Apple and has used the Country Apple/Apple Filling combination in her recipes. I wanted to make this more than just an apple pie though so I added INW Custard to make an Apple Custard Pie (which is great pie if you've never had it). Overall, I'm very happy with the way that this recipe turned out. It's not quite as custard-y as the picture would suggest but it does have a nice light vanilla eggyness and the slight buttery flavor from the custard lends itself nicely to the crust. Since I used INW Custard in this recipe you can SnV with no issues but the flavors all come together best after a 3-5 day steep which is where I prefer to vape it.


CAP Cinnamon Sugar     1%FLV Apple Filling     1.5%FLV Pastry Zest     0.35%FA Graham Crust     1.5%INW Custard     1.5%PUR Country Apple     4%

Total Flavor: 9.85%