Pitaya Cream


I'd like to thank u/Foment_Life and u/EdibleMalfunction for the advice that got me started on this profile. I'm a fan of INW Pitaya and wanted to make a light cream based on it. At 1.7%, it's enough to be a top note, without being too overwhelming. FA Bilberry and FW Blueberry are nice side notes that pair well with the pitaya and provide more body to the mix. FLV Cream, TPA Bavarian Cream and TPA Vanilla Swirl make up a light cream base with hints of vanilla, that doesn't overwhelm the fruits. Needs at least a week of steeping for the creams to come through. Any input is much appreciated.


FLV Cream     1%FW Blueberry     1.5%FA Bilberry     0.5%INW Dragon Fruit - Pitaya     1.7%TPA Bavarian Cream     1.5%TPA Vanilla Swirl     2%

Total Flavor: 8.2%