Golden Boy


Honey Custard Tobacco INW Gold for Pipe has a bit of metallic note that requires a bit of bending but the flavor itself is an incredible honey pipe tobacco that I've wanted to use for a while now. VT Golden Syrup brings that honey note found in Gold For Pipe forward, fills it out, and adds richness that was needed to blend both the honey and custard layer. OOO Creme Brulee is very toasted and creamy but lacked the true custard note which is where TFA Vanilla Custard comes in. I have struggled to find a custard that works well with tobaccos and overlooked TFA Vanilla Custard many times, but I find this to be my favorite custard in general for it's flexibility. FLV Fucking Native.. enough said. Anyone should know by now my love for FLV Native is beyond belief. It's an amazing dry tobacco that I've found hard not to put in any tobacco. If you don't have it, grab it, I love it. I really do love this mix with .6% FLV Virginia to add that light, spicy, golden tobacco flavor that really does fit with the honey profile... BUT with the help of Alfred Pudding going against my better judgement I went with FLV Kenutcky Blend at the same percentage because it adds that bold tobacco that provides a great balance of tobacco and custard. This is the version I chose to release, if you like more custard than tobacco just bump the custard up to 1.5-2%. If you get pepper from TFA VC sub with FA Premium.


FLV Kentucky Blend     0.6%FLV Native Tobacco     2%INW Classic For Pipe Gold     1%OOO Creme Brulee     1%TPA Vanilla Custard     1.25%VT Golden Syrup     2%

Total Flavor: 7.85%