Burst Duo Guava Dragonfruit (Somewhat Close) Clone


I humbly present my first public recipie on ATF. Three flavors (really two)? No crazy layering or avant garde niche flavors? Yeah it's what I personally get from Burst Duo Guava Dragonfruit. The OG undisputedly uses the sweet sweet god given nectar known as CAP Sweet Guava with 5% being just about right here. The Dragonfruit aspect of the premium is a little more convoluted but most definitely contains TPA Dragonfruit at around 4%. That's a bit high for this one in particular I know, but mix it up and see how well it works. CAP Super Sweet is of course optional but definitely adds to the candied sweetness aspect of the original. Shake and vape certified and I have personally not noticed a whole hell of a lot of difference between a one day steep and a two week steep.


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%CAP Sweet Guava     5%TPA Dragonfruit     4%

Total Flavor: 9.5%