Blue razz slush pod/mtl
I use a pod for vaping 50 mg juice while I'm at work. I haven't found a single recipe that was for such a high nicotine mix so after trying out several of the mtl pod recipes on here and being dissapointed I decided to work on something simple and strong to get through the high nic mix.
This is the best 50mg nic juice I have vaped and decided to share since this area is lacking in diy.
It's simple and could easily be adapted to be better I'm sure but so far this has been working for me and I no longer waste 25 bucks on store bought juice that tastes terrible most of the time.Recipe
CAP Super Sweet 1%FA Lemon Sicily 1%OSD Blue Raspberry Slush 8%TPA Raspberry (sweet) 2%VT Fizzy Sherbet 4%WF Sour Blue Raspberry Candy 10%Total Flavor: 26%