

Mixed for a user in the Weekly "Suggest a Recipe for my flavors" thread. This is an odd profile, a Creamy guava vape. It's pretty calming and smooth and a great vape if you enjoy the taste of guava. There are a few changes I would make looking back but this is the original recipe. Some changes you could implement : dropping FA Meringue (this milks the recipe up so drop it if thats not what you want), adding TFA Dragonfruit 1% (would help to bridge the fruits and make them just all around brighter), and maybe adding 0.75% of EM for those who need sweeteners.


CAP Golden Pineapple     1.5%CAP Sweet Guava     3%FA Meringue     0.5%TPA Bavarian Cream     2%TPA Marshmallow     1%

Total Flavor: 8%