Getting Guava With It!


My version of this Guava Candy includes a drop of Super Sweet per 15ml. The flavors are pretty sweet on their own but feel free to add to your liking. After a shake it is, for me, a funky, cartoonish and candy-like sweet guava. With a little cactus tingle on the exhale. After a day or two the flavors blend together to a more cohesive guava candy. I can only describe it as a Funky Guava. Personally, I did't notice a difference between 2-3 days and a 1,5 week steep. Curious how it wil fade/evolve after a longer steep though. Inspiration from ENYAWREKLAW's Sweet Guava Flavorbook entry recipe & RockeyHarlow's Burst Duo Guava Dragonfruit (Somewhat Close) Clone.


CAP Sweet Guava     5%INW Cactus     0.35%INW Pear     1%TPA Dragonfruit     3.5%

Total Flavor: 9.85%