Tony's Wife's Revenge


*(DISCLAIMER: Any similarities between Tony The Tiger and myself are purely intentional. Because, duhhhh...we're both like, tigers or something??)* When I heard what that two-timing, no-workin' couch potato of a husband said about me on ATF? I was like, "Oh **HELLLLLLL** no!" Let me set *this* played out record straight once and for all: For one thing, Tony did NOT fall into a deep depression because of Mr. Andy(aka Audrey) Snap(uses the "they"/"them" pronoun), Long Jack N. McCrackle, and "Pop" Meereally Hardson(though Tony would have the world believe otherwise!)!! That no-good "husband" of mine began a-drinkin' & a-druggin' with the massive profits from "his" cereal. And don't **EVEN** get me started on who **TRULY** came up with that damned recipe! Because I will **REALLY** start ripping skeletons from his closet if forced to do so!! And now I'll once-and-for-all explain that "train" accusation my deadbeat ex-husband made about me. Because I can answer it with one damned sentence: It wasn't me. It. Wasn't. Me. And even if it *was*? Tony and that Cap'n (with that crunchy moniker) had been frolicking around in New York's gay bath houses *wayyyyyy* before I filed for separation and subsequently, divorce. That's right. *I*. Filed. And whoever files 1st is right folks. Well, to be truthful, whoever has the nicest boobs is right. And look at my boobs in that pic!! *Meee-OWW!!* Additionally, he never killed any, midg...,er, "height-challenged people". Puh-lease!! The only thing Tony managed to kill over the years was to kill "the mood" in our budjois('bedroom', for all of you not skilled in the French language). I threw his butt to the curb because I could no longer tolerate the above behaviors, nor could I put up with him a-guzzlin' his hooch(and scratchin' his ball sack) on the sofa on our front porch(don't judge...we are from the South). And when he screamed, "Oh this is just GRRRREAT!! How will I be able to watch uncensored reruns of Family Ties out *here*??" I just slammed that broken screen door in his face and that was that. I was finally free of that no-good moocher!! Or so I was awhile later when a friend sent me a screenshot of his libelous post on ATF. Let's just say this, if it's not true-I could sue that scheming prick for everything he owns(which at this point, is 1/2 of a moldy loaf of bread, old pizza crust crumbs between his Lazy Boy cushions, and sticky porn magazines [circa 1950]). So let us **all** see that supposed vid, Tony! If a video of me and those 3 'real' men exists? *Prove it!! Pics, or the shit didn't happen!!* Tony was a lush when I met him, my friends! And with the success of his cereal, what do you think he became? I'll answer that question for y'all-he simply became a **SUCCESSFUL** lush!! Anyhoooo, I hope that smarmy bastard thinks twice before calling me a whore in public again! Don't *make* me roast your nuts in public again fool!! Love & Peace To All, Toni **FLAVOR NOTES**(because creative stories *STILL* are not considered cool anymore): Okay. Let's start off with the addition of **TFA Pie Crust**. I dare you to take the lid off that particular concentrate, take a hardy sniff and NOT think it's the missing link in the magic that is Corn Flakes/Frosted Flakes! Go ahead. The rest of the class will wait. The **CAP Cereal 27/TFA Acetyl Pyrazine/FW Hazelnut** is a pretty much 'tried & true' method of getting us started in the right direction to this specific malty, corn-like cereal flavor. And then we come to...(insert sound effect of *duhn duhn duhnnnn*) the milk. My God, how I *lovvvve* milk! It's just so **GRRRREAT(oops, sorry)** on SO many daggon' levels. The *temperature* of milk, the *texture* of milk, and lastly, the *TASTE* OF MILK!!!! Thank *Jesus* I'm not lactose-intolerant because if I was? I would slit my wrists in a bathtub full of salt water and anti-coagulants, willingly bleed out & call it a day! Again we have **FA MERINGUE** which we sometimes use to build 'milks'(okay kids, pretty much *always* we are using this concentrate to build milk. If it isn't included? The recipe just plain sucks and you shouldn't bother mixing it up!!<---hah! Just kiddin'. At least I *think* I'm kiddin'). Can I just add that-if FA Meringue was in the entertainment industry, it *surely* would be referred to as a "quadruple threat"), as it performs **FOUR**(unprecedented, I know!!) vital roles here: (1)-the bridge that emulsifies our various creamy aspects together. (2)-it provides a great foundation upon which to build our milk-like base. (3)-the start of the sweet frosted sugary part of the flakes and/or bottom of the bowl of milk, and....*ANNND??*...okay, okay...there *IS* no 4th role for **FA Meringue** here. **PSYCHE!!** I lied(even though I was *completely* honest with Tony throughout our tedious relationship)!! (4)-**FA Meringue** is of course, part of the milk. Oh wait. Okay yeah...there's no 4th part of its' role here. So in the entertainment industry FA Meringue would only be considered a *triple* threat. But still, a triple threat is way better than a single threat. And I'd bet mine & Tony's rundown trailer most would NOT argue that a triple threat is still better than a double threat. But I'm getting away from the notes here. Where the hell was I? Oh yeah...the milk part. **OOO Milky Undertones In PG**?? Well? You can't have a good *"film-coating-your-mouth"* milk without the 'ol undertone, now can ye? Only way you'll get *THIS* film out of your mouth is by brushing your teeth(all surfaces of your mouth, actually) and rinsing your mouth out with a generous portion of gasoline. *WeeeeeHOOOOO! Boy HOWDYYY!* Oh yeah, **FW Hazelnut** also helps here with our milk *and* with that malty note which was no doubt started by the Pie Crust. Okay okay. So it's only a "*double* threat", that hazelnut. But we already agreed a double threat beats a single threat any day of the week and twice on Tuesdays!! **OPTIONAL(even though I find it pretty necessary):** **1 drop WS23** **1 drop Polar Blast** *Adding those 2 above enhancers to every 30ml of juice will make your milk a little more on the lukewarm side, instead of a hot vape. Go ahead! Add 'em and hot-diggety-do! Bob's your uncle(note to newbs: include at least 1 crazy British phrase to make all the UKers feel included)!! VG Recommended 75% Steep days: I vape it fresh. But it's better after(insert your own timeframe here, as mine hasnt even steeped a week may suck). Really bad. Or? Not at all? Who knows? Hehe. Let's face it-we have a 50/50 chance here that it will be good. Or....bad, as I said!! **FOR THE BEST FROSTED CORN FLAKES CEREAL RECIPE & DESCRIPTION IN THE BUSINESS, GO HERE:** **Thank you for your "blessing" on this, Steam!! This recipe would have never been born without your *PERFECT* original!!** *EJuicemakers Oneshots* *EJuicemakers Shortfills*


CAP Cereal 27     5.5%CAP Super Sweet     0.5%FW Hazelnut     1%FA Meringue     1.75%OOO Cream Milky Undertone PG     2%TPA Acetyl Pyrazine 5%     0.5%TPA Pie Crust     0.75%

Total Flavor: 12%