Strawberry Melon Jelly


Just trying this out after a 2 week steep, and I believe these flavors will hold up..... VTA watermelon to me,,, is one of the best watermelon out there, and I have tried most of them. VTA watermelon is super strong, I found out the hard way !!! I also bought most all of my VTA straight from Australia,,,, shortly after they became public, a whopping 45$ shipping cost !!,...... To me I have not found to many that I don't like, and a lot of the flavors are damn good, The watermelon mixed at .50 ,,,, and 3.00 INW strawberry, the watermelon is very present and damn good. I am getting a delightful juicy, mouthwatering watermelon on the inhale, and a perfect strawberry on the exhale. This is a keeper for me. I'm using a Hussar Legacy on top of Drone 250C , @.15ohm , @ 56watts.


FLV Sweet Coconut     0.2%INW Strawberry     3%VT Watermelon     0.5%WF Quince Jelly SC     0.75%

Total Flavor: 4.45%