Layerz - Custard Apple Filling


We talk about this layer in this video: This is not a complete recipe, this is a apple filling with custard drenched all over it. Its delicious on its own. But you can get creative and add your favourite crust or crumble layer to this, and you will have a full dimensional vape. So after a few attempts I finally created a layer that i'm happy to release. I'm a shake and vape kinda guy, and the biggest mission for me was to create a custard layer that has enough body right from the shake. INW Custard - nice full body custard, fastest steeper of the bunch - also nice eggy notes to it. But needs help as a SnV TFA Cheesecake Graham Crust - This adds the body to the vape, and it was added low to not bring any cheesecake to the party. CAP Golden butter - Deepens the custard right from the shake you get some depth when you add this. FLV Apple Filling - I used it at 1% as I feel that is enough cinnamon, and enough apple to sell the profile i'm going for.


CAP Golden Butter     1%FLV Apple Filling     1%INW Custard     3%TPA Cheesecake (graham Crust)     2%

Total Flavor: 7%