Cinnamom Apple Crunch Cereal
Cinnamon Apple Crunch Cereal. Steep 3 Days. Basket Ingredients: CAP CDS @1% kept the cinnamon where I wanted. It evenly spreads a nice amount of cinnamon throught the cereal. JF @1.5 wasnt going for if you were to bit into an apple but more like a light non distracting apple flavoring. Its there but not smacking you in the face. I tried using fa fuji as well and it just made the apple too sweet probably because of the next ingredient. Strawberry Ripe @1% this wouldnt probably be the first thing i used in this recipe but i knew i wasnt going to use it alone for an actual strawberry flavor(IMO its just not strong enough alone) but instead for its Ethyl Maltol. for the circumstances of the competition i worked in reverse and started high and kept cutting down till it wasnt muting the mix and it wasnt turning the fuji into something i didnt want. MY 3 ingredients: Cap Cereal 27 @4.5% my favorite cereal if i want a nice cereal crunch like berry crunch without the berry. to get more to the corn flake side this needs some Acetyl Pyrazine @.5 FA Meringue @1.5% because i cant imagine a cereal vape without meringue. evey1 knows this gives a nice sugary coating. Thank you guys love what ya are doing and appreciate all the info I get out of this community. Thanks for making it fun. Hope you enjoy! Recipe
CAP Cereal 27 4.5%CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl 1%FA Meringue 1.5%JF Fuji 1.5%TPA Acetyl Pyrazine 5% 0.5%TPA Strawberry (ripe) 1%Total Flavor: 10%