Apple Brulee


A decadent, rich and creamy Creme Brulee married with a sweet & fragrant apple pie filling. This was inspired by the delicious apple combo used in Dunked Apples by @silky, which is, by far, the best apple combo for use in swweet, bakery and tobacco style recipes. The bruleee base is sompliments of my, well used, 1-2-3 brulee stone which encapsulates a Creme Brulee perfectly in every sense. I have been using this base for a very long time and tend to never bore of it. I occasionally have it ‘straight’, without any additional flavouring, to remind me of its magnificence! Simply put, it is decadent vanilla custard crowned with caramlised sugar. FA Fuji is the undisputed king of apples and here, it does all the heavy lifting on the apple front. Sweet, crispy and uber realistic, FA Fuji précis a Fuji apple uncannily. The INW apple brings a sweet apple juice type vibe to the party and boosts the Fuji’s sweetness to create a stunning apple combo. FLV apple filling is a McDonalds apple pie in a bottle and serves its purpose very accurately. It provides a bakery cinnamon flavour with a wonderfully rich, baked apple sweetness. Do not venture any higher here as the cinnamon will dominate but not as aggressively as FLV Rich Cinnamon. Used sparingly, this will add a new dimension to your bakeries and perhaps tobacco? Gives this baby 5 days or so to settle in.


FLV Apple Filling     0.75%FA Apple Fuji     2%INW Creme Brulee (yc)     2%INW Custard     3%INW Shisha Vanilla     1%INW Two Apples     1.5%

Total Flavor: 10.25%