One Night


Moral of this story: don't be afraid to create recipes after enjoying some adult beverages. Ever imagine what would happen if FA Fuji and FA Black Currant made sweet love and reproduced? Now well you have. This is a beautiful love child, indeed. Strong in character, this is quite tart and tasty as a shake and vape and gets sweeter as it matures. After 4 days, it maintains a crisp (yet juicy) texture. Past that point, who knows? Let me know if it lasts that long. Replace INW Pineapple with 0.5% TFA Pineapple if you must.


CAP Golden Pineapple     0.75%FA Apple Fuji     2.5%FA Blackcurrant     2%INW Cactus     0.75%INW Pineapple     2%

Total Flavor: 8%