Peanut Brittle Cheesecake


The WF peanut brittle works well with the Dx peanut butter so I mixed this for a friend that enjoyed it and they asked me to share it. I used cereal 27 instead of AP, swap if you like. If you don't have saline it is not a deal breaker. I tested using a Recurve at about 50 Watts.


CAP Cereal 27     0.4%INW Yes, We Cheesecake     2.25%JF Biscuit     0.75%MB Cookie Bite     2.25%OTHR Saline (0.9%)     0.2%TPA Dx Peanut Butter     3%VT Devon Cream     0.6%VT Vanilla Cream     1.3%WF Peanut Brittle SC     2.25%

Total Flavor: 13%