Honeyed Pears


Juicy pears ladened with honeycomb and crunchy cookie clusters. This is one of my favorite pear pairings thanks to my new BFF, VT Honeycomb which (finally) masterfully resurrects faith (back) into using honey without the fear of a potential nuclear disaster. My trusted pear combo does the heavy lifting here to provide an unbelievably realistic, fresh pear layer. FA Pear brings the juicy, run down your chin pear, whilst INW Pear adds the gritty texture, crunch and mouth feel. VT Honeycomb is a fantastic revelation by providing a rich honey flavour without overpowering the mix. It’s slight crunch augments the biscuit layer and adds just the right amount of sweetness to the mix without defeating the delicate pear layer. The crunchy cluster is meant to sit in the background and provide a subtle textural role. I used OG INW Biscuit and do not recommend using the reformulated version. A suitable sub is JF Biscuit at the same %. Give this baby 3 days or so and she is ready to pop!


FA Pear     2%INW Biscuit     0.5%INW Pear     2%TPA Acetyl Pyrazine 5%     0.75%VT Honeycomb     4%

Total Flavor: 9.25%