Oatmeal Stew


**"Oatmeal Stew"** **Description:** A delicious thick/creamy bowl of oatmeal with cooked apple & peach bits, brown sugar, light cinnamon and a smidgen of half & half cream. **NOTES:** **FE Oatmeal 'n Milk** is something I have been trying to get ahold of for quite some time. The 10ml bottles seemed to always be sold out. Finally, I gave in and bought a 30ml bottle. And I wasn't disappointed. This has a taste and smell of FE's sweet rice(thankfully WITHOUT that horrible jasmine note!) initially. After 2 days steeping, this flowers into...cooked oatmeal! And I've always loved oatmeal. For the little bits of cooked peach & apple, I used both **WF Peach Pie & Cream**(specifically for its' cooked peach note) and **FLV Apple Pop**(perfect cooked apple). Apple Pop also has a *very* faint cinnamon to it that I wanted in addition to **FW Brown Sugar**. I added **OOO Cream Milky Undertone PG** to sort of "bulk up" the thickness oatmeal has. This is the 1st time I ever thought to use this for something other than *mouth feel*. And it worked wonderfully here in this way. In addition to this concentrate, I always add a splash of half & half cream to my bowl of oatmeal, and **FA Cream Fresh** filled that need perfectly. Finally, our oatmeal had to be perfectly seasoned. In my opinion, there is nothing worse than oatmeal made without a touch of salt. It turns my stomach. For this reason, good ole **Saline 0.9%** was included(thankfully I'm a nurse and have a never-ending supply of this). Topped off with 0.25% **CAP Super Sweet**, this tastes very similar to Quaker Instant Peaches & Cream Oatmeal(only BETTER because of the apple inclusion). Vaping this fresh off the shake, I found this good...but a bit dry. At 2 days steep it became a little more moist. At 3 days & beyond it was perfect. The peaches, apples, cinnamon/brown sugar become only an accent and the oatmeal steals the spotlight as intended. And at the very end of the exhale, you will taste that cream fresh! I hope you enjoy this. It has been my "white whale"!! **VG: MAX(At least 88%)** **STEEP DAYS: 2-3** *Please dont use this recipe for commercial gain. If you enjoy this please rate it.* This recipe was created to honor my **E-Juice Makers** Crew! I love you guys/gals ALWAYS!! And a special "thank you" to ALL mixers who develop and share...just for the purpose of being helpful. You are ALL valued!!


CAP Super Sweet     0.25%FLV Apple Pop     0.5%FE Oatmeal N Milk     4.5%FW Brown Sugar     1.25%FA Cream Fresh     1.5%OOO Cream Milky Undertone PG     2%OTHR Saline (0.9%)     0.25%WF Peach Pie & Cream     2.5%

Total Flavor: 12.75%