Nice Cherry Pie and Custard
A nice, warm and comforting vape; a slice of cherry pie, heavy on the custard.
OOO cherry pie together with TFA apple pie for the pie portion.
Bridge to the custard with INW Yes we cheesecake and OOO vanilla Custard cheesecake - both have a lovely cheesecake base note to add to the pie crust, along with the rich vanilla cream notes which add to the custard.
Custard is composed of FA custard premium and CC devon cream (you can actually try just this in the percentages below if you like custard vapes - closest I have come to an 'english' custard).
This has a lovely authentic flavour reminiscent of dessert after a nice Sunday lunch. For a heavier cherry note, add a cherry flavour of your choice at <8%, for more pastry try adding something like TFA pie Crust at a max of 1%.
Please mix, enjoy and let me know what you think! Recipe
CC Devon Cream 2.5%FA Custard Premium 3.4%INW Yes, We Cheesecake 2%OOO Cherry Pie 6.8%OOO Vanilla Custard Cheesecake 2%TPA Apple Pie 4%Total Flavor: 20.7%