**Profile-** Pineapple White Chocolate RY4
**A Final Farewell To Holy Holy Grail RY4 v1.**
Like most times I'm coming up with a recipe I was in the mood for something weird and very different. I haven't messed with DFS HHG all that much and wanted to do so. I also haven't used VT Love (White Chocolate) much either. Naturally...lets put them together. I was going through my fruits and trying to figure out what would go well with a RY4 and White Chocolate. For some reason Pineapple stood out to me big away we go!
There isn't a whole lot of complexity to this recipe and I was happy with the choice of flavors so at this point it was just a matter of nailing down percentages.
**INW Pineapple/Cap Golden Pineapple-** This is my favorite Pineapple combo. Cap Golden is the nice sweet slightly candied pineapple which blends really nicely with the more *prickly* realistic INW Pineapple. INW is a weak bitch of a flavor but it does really well at 5%.
**DFS HHG-** There ain't much to say here. It's delicious. Some Vanilla, some Caramel, tiny bit of bacco. Can't go wrong!
**VT Love (White Chocolate)-** I've fallen in love with this flavor. Nice and rich, thick almost creamy white chocolate. I prefer this to LBs White Chocolate because it isn't even close to as coconut heavy as LBs version. I love coconut, but it just doesn't belong here.
**V1-** I started with 7% DFS HHG, 3% Cap Golden Pineapple, 5% INW Pineapple and 2.5% VT Love. The HHG wasn't as pronounced as I was hoping for and the White Chocolate was a tad buried. The Pineapple blend was perfect just where it was.
**V2-** Because both HHG and the White Chocolate were not as prominent as I hoped for I bumped the HHG to 8% and the WC to 3%. This was a step in the right direction. I liked where the WC was at but the the HHG was overpowering the Pineapple blend.
**V3**- I decided to split the difference for the HHG and go with 7.5% enough to keep it out front but not enough to drowned out the pineapple. 3% Cap Golden Pineapple, 5% INW Pineapple, 3% VT WC and I'm in Heaven. I've mixed 2 or 3 30mls of this version within the last couple weeks and cannot get enough of it.
So the twist. Sometime in the middle of developing this recipe, DIY Flavor Shack for whatever reason...announced HHG will be getting a V2 with no more V1. This blows. I've started testing HHG V2 and so far I'm finding it lacks the body that V1 has. I'm not terribly sure how it will affect this recipe. However, I do plan on mixing up a batch with V2 to see what tweaks will need to be made to get it as close to this delightful version. So, on that note. Mix this shit up because I can confidently say its one of the best ways to use up the rest of your V1 HHG ;).
CAP Golden Pineapple 3%DFS HOLY HOLY GRAIL RY4 7.5%INW Pineapple 5%VT Love 3%Total Flavor: 18.5%