Black Custard


*Easy to mix, hard to define.* Actually it's not that hard to define, I just thought that sounded cool. The taste is very similar to a licorice ice cream, but with a bit thicker mouthfeel. Personally I think this can be shake and vaped. The vanilla note is a bit more prominent the first few days, but as always with custards they start to shine after a bit of a steep. **FA Black Touch** it a great licorice flavor that is very much like Scandinavian licorice candy. **FA Custard Premium** is not available in the US AFAIK, but you guys don't seem to like black licorice either so I guess thats fine. Here's a couple of European sites that sell it: UK - Denmark - This is very much a work in progress, but I wanted to share it anyway because I enjoy it a lot, and I think it's a bit unique. I think a lot of Northern Europeans are going to like this. Feedback is very much apriciated! Keep mixing wierd stuff all you beautiful folks out there <3


FA Black Touch (licorice Plus)     2%FA Custard Premium     3%FA Marshmallow     1%

Total Flavor: 6%