Safari Zone
Tropical, sweet & creamy. Mango & Soursop (aka Charamoya or Guanabana) makes a great tropical blend. FLV Guanabana is the main Charamoya flavor of this recipe, WF Charamoya brings out a different side of it so they mjx well. My favorite mango is probably WF Island Mango so I picked it (I also may add a touch of Cap Sweet Mango to it, very good but more realistic taste. It's almost like mango skin, it's best in smaller percentages.) I've tried adding creams in this recipe, because Guanabana is a creamy fruit, but most creams didnt taste right in this mix, so instead I went with Fruit Smoothie. I think it worked good as a background in this. I added Golden Pineapple to help the Guanabana pop (Guanabana sort of has a banana
/pineapple taste to it). I like this one so far.
This is the first recipe I've posted on here. If you've never tried FLV Guanabana (Ive always called it the real fruit, a Charamoya), I really recommend it. Great flavor for the summer!
Feedback appreciated. EnjoyRecipe
CAP Golden Pineapple 2%CAP Super Sweet 1%FLV Guanabana 4%TPA Fruit Smoothie 1%WF Cherimoya SC 2%WF Island Mango 2.5%Total Flavor: 12.5%