Tea-less peach-less, peach ice tea


Note: TPA Mild Black is now renamed TPA Cigarillo. A joke turned serious, a proof of concept that some flavours have such strong off notes that can be capitalised on, and even used as main flavours. When I was testing TPA Mild Black (it's renamed now to Cigarillo) I found it to be quite fruity (leaning towards peach) and the tobacco is quite leafy (similar to tea aroma), as for JF Boysenberry struck me as a white peach more than anything else, a bit dry and medicinal... By combining those, accomplishing both covering up the Boysenberry medicinal note by the leafy note in the Cigarillo and reinforcing the fruity-peach note in the Cigarillo, came up a quite interesting peach-tea. The mix was a bit dry and thin, needed a bit juiciness and depth, that is where the Fuji apple came, adding the required amount of juiciness and sweetness to the mix. Optionally, you can add 0.25% super sweet for more sweetness, and 0.25% FA Black tea if you like tea to be more pronounced


FA Apple Fuji     0.2%JF Boysenberry     0.3%TPA Mild Black     1.5%

Total Flavor: 2%