Skittles(Classic Candy)
Here's my stab at your classic skittles.
Purple - I used a combo of Grape and Black Currant here as in my research I found that both flavors are listed for purple. Together they taste very purple.
Red - Candy strawberry here that's why I left off the Shisha, don't need that realistic part in this candy recipe.
Green - Shisha lime combined with Cap SS is pretty aromatic and candied lime
Orange - Shisha Orange, see green
Yellow - Went with the pure lemon here mixed with the candy portions its pretty solid in here
Candy - WF Pixie Stick Candy + Cap Rainbow candy give you a nice sweet candy taste. It really helps turn these fruits into candy
Softening - the TFA Marshmallow helps to soften some of the sharp edges of the fruit. If you like it let me know.Recipe
CAP Rainbow Candy 4.5%CAP Super Sweet 0.5%FE Lemon 1.5%FA Blackcurrant 1%FA Red Touch (strawberry) 1.75%INW Grape 0.5%INW Shisha Lime 1%INW Shisha Orange 1.5%JF Strawberry Sweet 1%TPA Marshmallow 0.5%WF Pixie Stick Candy SC 3.25%WF Sour Ball Candy SC 0.25%Total Flavor: 17.25%