GRAHAM SLAM (Golden Slam) by mamasan. REMIX/CLONE [TEST ONE]


This recipe is fucking delicious BUT is still a work in progress ! It is so close to the real thing there’s just something that it’s missing . If anyone wants to help clone this mix it up and give me some ideas in the comments ! Or mix it up any ways because it dose indeed taste very good . MAMASAN eliquid’s describes this juice as A (Golden graham cracker mixed with delicious milk ) Now here are some flavor notes/ How i put this Remix/Clone together . i’m using (TPA) Bavarian cream for a thick but not too creamy milk . And then i used (CAP) Graham cracker because i get a slight cinnamon note from the original Graham slam and because i can’t think of any other graham cracker i could be but it works well so far . Now i’m using (VT) Golden syrup and (VT) honeycomb to give the mix a thick honey type flavor but also because i do get a thick syrupy like note in the original graham slam . I have used (OOO) Pie crust to give the graham cracker more of a “ authentic “ graham cracker , But also because (OOO) Pie crust has a honey like note and smell to it. So If ANYBODY has any ideas of how we can get this remix/clone to taste even more like the original let me know in the comments . The original juice also has this certain note to the honey that i just can’t put my finger on it , And if we can get that down we’re GOLDEN . Don’t be scared to play around with the percentages either this is just a good START to this clone/remix . Much love keep mixing!!


CAP Graham Cracker     2%CAP Super Sweet     0.5%OOO Pie Crust     0.5%TPA Bavarian Cream     2%VT Golden Syrup     1.5%VT Honeycomb     1%

Total Flavor: 7.5%