Wtf?! Another Vanilla Custard?!


Okay. For someone who constantly vapes a variation of (usually) vanilla custard it's about time I released one. Also my girlfriend keeps telling me to just release it already 😂 It rich af. It's a *little* different than what you're used to, but it blends just right imo. I love this base of inw Custard and fa Custard Premium. Expect to see it more. This recipe is also forever in progress in my mind (numbers\ingredients won't change in this version though). While this is very rich, I enjoy taking custard much higher than this. Just a light mix :) Instead of just throwing in NY cheesecake I dig the ooo custard cheesecake. It lacks in the custard dept a bit but also it has little crust as well. Perfect fit here. Want this to add a little more creaminess & body. Tpa butter(see subs) adds to the overall richness without making it too oily. **Custards:** Dual custards? Oh yeah. The fa is just crazy rich, a nice light vanilla, & all around my favorite custard to date. Only have 40 to try in the next 2 months, but my money is still saying this will be the best. Inw is another fantastic quick steeping flavor. It certainly has it's shortcomings in the body dept, but we'll fix those mostly with the premium. *Yes, if you like custards & live in the US it's worth buying it from overseas & paying shipping for Custard Premium!* **Vanilla:** What happens when you combine the darkness with the light....Cap French vanilla sits nice in custards & with a touch of shisha should provide all the boost I needed to cover up any real cheesiness of the cheesecake, which is just there for creamy vanilla body. **Cake?** I like it better than throwing some cap sugar cookie into the mix in this situation. Hint of vanilla. Doesn't come out as cakey at all. This is one you can bump up considerably before you get that yellow cake taste to come through the wall of DAAP we've constructed. (FW yellow cake contains sugars which can be harmful) **Can be subbed with jf at same %** **Sweetener:** I like a little sweetener in my custards. This provides both sweeteners in one bottle. Although they are much weaker than their direct counterparts. It provides the very slight sugary mouth sensation of sucralose with the EM that just sits so well in most custards providing that body sweetness. I know .75% might seem like a lot, but it feels (to me anyway) like the equivalent of less than .15% cap ss. As always this is subjective, if you don't normally add sweeteners: don't. Or try with something like .35% 10% ethyl maltol solution if you just don't like sucralose. **Steep:** I like this after 3 days, haven't tried it off the shake but I'm not the boss of you. Recommend to give it a week, gets better with age. Definitely an adv of mine. Enjoy 😎💨💨 Remember, feedback good or bad helps us all as mixers! Join DIY Mixer's Crew on Facebook! Elr link: **Subs:** Cap Golden Butter instead of tpa butter, some like tpa & hate cap while some are the opposite. Maybe cap butter cream is the middle ground 🤷‍♂️ JF Yellow Cake for the FW conveys the same message. But I would've used it had I felt it was the tastier option.... Cap ny cheesecake is what I wanted to avoid, but it can be used. If subbing cheesecake you'll need to compensate with added vanilla.


CAP French Vanilla     1%FW Cake (yellow)     1%FA Custard Premium     1.5%INW Custard     2%INW Shisha Vanilla     0.5%OOO Vanilla Custard Cheesecake     1.5%TPA Butter     0.5%TPA Sweetener     0.75%

Total Flavor: 8.75%