Wedding Punch - AKA Rainbow Sherbet From Scratch


A sweet bright and fruity rainbow sherbet from scratch. I was going to do something super simple with just fw rainbow sherbet and fw vbic and call it good but I wanted to take a NCM approach and use the individual flavor components of rainbow sherbet. Those flavors being raspberry, lemon, lime, orange and pineapple. Cap lemon lime was the logical choice as it is nice and sweet and authentic to what a flat sprite or 7up would taste like. It's easy for some lemon flavors to overpower at first and then die down drastically over time but I needed to keep some of that citrus bite that is present in rainbow sherbet. For the orange I used fw blood orange. No real particular reason why other than liking the juicy orange taste it imparts. It also adds to the citrus component complimenting the lemon lime but there is something else needed. I was recommended to try using inw sparkling wine to add crispness by Rageisalotofwork but alas all I had was fa wine champagne which accomplished making it have a crisp verging on carbonated feel. Finishing the citrus note unused fw pineapple natural at 3% instead of the inw exotic that I had used before. FW pineapple natural is nice and sweet ba ok dancing somewhere between a candy and natural pineapple kind of like the juice in a fruit cup. Something citrus heavy mixes can tend to do it have a dryness to them, queue INW cactus. A must have for anyone that enjoys any fruit Vapes. It adds a nice wet mouth feel without distracting from the other flavors when used at lower percentages. Due to the potency of the many citrus based components in this recipe I needed to boost the amount of flavor that was going to make up the ice cream part. FW vanilla bean ice cream has a nice blend of sweetness and creaminess leaning a touch more to sweet but lacking any "pepper" taste that I hear so many people getting from TPA vbic. I've all but ditched using any sweeteners anymore and instead use cap or tpa vanilla frosting in its place. It does great in this recipe by complimenting the vbic and adding sweetness that tames any unpleasant bitterness or throat hit that can be caused by citrus heavy mixes. As a shake and vape this is quite good but I would recommend at least a couple days steep time for the creaminess of the vbic to become more pronounced.


CAP Lemon Lime     2%FW Blood Orange     1.5%FW Pineapple (natural)     3%FW Vanilla Bean Ice Cream     4%FA Wine Champagne     0.5%INW Cactus     0.5%INW Raspberry     0.7%TPA Vanilla Cupcake     1%

Total Flavor: 13.2%