Boo Berry Cereal - #DMC
Happy Halloween!!
Seemed like a good day to drop this recipe. My humble attempt at recreating the blueberry marshmallow breakfast cereal. I think it comes pretty close.
This is my finalized version of the DIY Mixer's Crew FB Group Cereal Challenge. Few tweaks from what I posted there, it had to be finished.
**Cereals:** Berry crunch main note, LL cereal for the AP & marshmallows. *see subs* WF marshmallow (candy) for a little more fake marshmallow flavor. Fw bb to turn it into a boo berry type.
My one other thought on this that I've got on paper but not mixed yet just uses tpa crunch cereal & blueberry. If you get too much mixed berry you could probably sub that at about 2%. Lmk how it is if you do, I'm cerealed out for now.
**Milk:** flv smoothie base for it's lemon tint to boost the blueberry & creaminess. Fa milk because it's the shit.
Dash of sweetener because it is a sweet cereal.
**Steep:** Give 5-7 days for milk to do it's thing & meld with Smoothie Base. Like most things a week+ will give a better representation of what I was going for. Should be a nice blueberry heavy berry cereal w\marshmallows.
Enjoy 😎💨💨
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**Subs\additions:** I'm sure your favorite milk combo would work in place of the smoothie base\fa milk combo. Would advise adding a little lemon though to make up for the lack of smoothie base to stay closer to original. I highly recommend this flavor though.
Tpa crunch cereal @ 2% instead of berry crunch if you hate it.
The wf marshmallow candy isn't a deal breaker in my eyes for this recipe to work, just helps to sell the marshmallow. Could probably be subbed (nothing real & not tpa. Also remember what's in lucky leprechaun to start) or omitted.Recipe
CAP Super Sweet 0.25%FLV Smoothie Base 1%FW Blueberry 1.9%FA Milk 1.5%TPA Berry Cereal 2.5%TPA Lucky Leprechaun Cereal 2.8%WF Marshmallow (Candy) SC 1.3%Total Flavor: 11.25%