

So I’ve been working on recipes utilising MVP Calipitter chow for a few weeks now. This is a great concentrate even using as a single flavour from (10% - 12%) It’s nutty,fluffy,sweet,vanilla goodness and can be used in many applications. My initial thought was “tobacco” but not your heavy,wet,ashy kind, I New this was crying out for a solid RY4 and that’s where DFS holy grail comes in.The original V1 Holy grail is sublime in every sense and I’m one of the lucky ones to still have a decent amount on hand,it truly was the best on the market and the likes of @fear have shown this in some fantastic ways. Unfortunately I haven’t tried this with the V2 yet but you can most definitely use it! I would maybe consider reducing the FA Vanilla classic down to 0.50%.If you don’t have either V1 or V2 there are 3 other options...”TPA RY4 double” - “JF RY4 double” or my personal favourite of the 3 “FA SoHo” Soho isn’t a RY4 but it definitely works in this application! I Also wanted to add some more darkness to the recipe in the form of sweetness and caramelisation and to me,FA butterscotch is king for this however you could sub this for FLV butterscotch or FLV caramel if you don’t have FA on hand! You can also sub FA butterscotch for FLV smoked butterscotch to give the recipe a new approach,I personally really enjoyed it with this @1%... Now back to Calipitter’s a great flavouring like I said but has 1 slight downfall,when pushed to higher realms it can become slightly throaty for myself so I wanted to implement a vanilla that I new could hold up to the RY4 and the inherent nuttiness provided from Chow so for me,my obvious choice was one of my personal favourite vanillas that being FA vanilla classic. This is a truly delicious vanilla with great depth and longevity and really does finish this recipe off in a subtle yet apparent and smoothing way. Really though,you can play around with your own version of this and use whatever you like as long as its going to hold up.My recommendations for other vanilla’s Would be “INW Shisha vanilla” - “DFS Holy Vanilla v1 or v2” all @ the same percentage (1%). I’m a sucker for all things sweet so I added 0.40% cap super sweet and I found this to be the real sweet spot for my taste buds however this is great without!! It’s entirely down to the mixers preference. So.....sit back like a true vape connoisseur and enjoy this delicious,simple recipe and please be so kind to leave me a review and rating so that other mixers can decide whether they would like to mix it up. Happy mixing guys and stay hazy. 😎💙 *** If you want this more “CHOW” forward simply switch the percentages with “HOLY GRAIL”, IMHO both ways are very satisfying and full of flavour I personally like the slight tobacco Notes breaching through @4% as stated.***


DFS HOLY HOLY GRAIL RY4     4%FA Butterscotch     2%FA Madagascar (Vanilla Classic)     1%MPV Calipitter Chow     3%

Total Flavor: 10%