Pomegranate and Raspberry are the main ingredient in this one.
A touch of Strawberry adds the red sweetness to the mix without showing the presence of Strawberry.
And Cactus, I might even say that Cactus is the main ingredient in this. It just melds the Pomegranate and Raspberry together nicely giving this juicy effect.
If you feel like you need more sweetness then 0.5% TFA Sweetener is an option, wouldn't suggest EM as it will just mute the overall flavor.
It's great as Shake and Vape but 3 day steep will give fuller experience.
TFA Dragonfruit at 0.5% is a nice addition to this, it will bring that strawberry out of shadows a bit.
Apologize for my shitty description and notes xD
Hope you enjoy,
Peace V Recipe
INW Cactus 1%TPA Pomegranate 6%TPA Raspberry (sweet) 3%TPA Strawberry 1.5%Total Flavor: 11.5%