Pudding in the Butterscotch


I used to really enjoy FW Butterscotch Ripple at 10% Standalone, it was a decent vape however it was a little 'flat' so I decided to come up with a mix that would add some depth and boost those butterscotch notes. Tested on a Asmodus C4 at 0.3ohms 50w, Profile 1.5 RDA at 0.13 70w, Kensei RTA 0.13 braided at 70w and a Profile Unity RTA 0.16 55w I really enjoy this off a shake, however the longer this is left the more the Custard comes through, 30 days steep will give you that pleasant rich and thick pudding background with the butterscotch and cheesecake well blended in The backbone of this recipe is FW Butterscotch ripple at 8% this gives a pleasant butterscotch with a creamy background, to this FLV Butterscotch at 2% adds depth to the butterscotch while also making it more prominant, added at 1% it was still a little too light, 1.5% was a bit better but 2% was perfect and really boosts those buttery butterscotch notes as well as making the FW Butterscotch a little darker. CAP NY Cheesecake at 2.5% adds depth and thickness to the cream that the FW brings to the table and makes this rich and smooth and pushes this towards a thick pudding dessert FA Custard Premium added at 4% gives this a strong Vanilla egg custard that further enhances the butter in the butterscotch and adds a lot of depth and makes this more of a rich butterscotch pudding this is the absolute highest I would use the Custard Premium and only against concentrates that could take it without being overpowered.


CAP New York Cheesecake     2.5%FLV Butterscotch     2%FW Butterscotch Ripple     8%FA Custard Premium     4%

Total Flavor: 16.5%