Hans Christian Appleson


I was aiming for an Apple Danish with the softer pastry and almost a fried sweetness to it, with a sweet creamy icing. FA Fuji apple - I've never used this ingredient, started with 2% and it just didn't sit right and was completely lost, doubled it and it sits in the middle nicely. TFA Strawberry (Ripe) - Now, this doesn't really bring any flavour into the recipe as such on the strawberry side of things, I've used it for it's EM content to cook the apples and to mix with the Bavarian Cream as it adds a slight creamy note. TFA Bavarian Cream - This adds some sweetness to the pastry and almost glazes it. It also helps keep the pastry element "soft". FW Pie Crust / CAP Churro - The pie crust gives that authentic pastry taste, 1.5% The churro is there just to grease up that pastry a little and keep the fresh bakery element. CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl - Tried this at 2%, as I'd been playing with this ingredient a little before the comp was announced and found it to be the sweet spot in the recipe that I was developing, in this recipe it was just too much, knocked it down to 1.25% and it was just right and helps bring everything together, adds to the sweetness of the pastry and the cream and gives the apples that warmth that we love so much.


CAP Churro     1%CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl     1.25%CAP Super Sweet     0.5%FW Pie Crust     1.5%FA Apple Fuji     4%TPA Bavarian Cream     4.5%TPA Strawberry (ripe)     3%

Total Flavor: 15.75%