YM Cheesecake Custard


This recipe is inspired from one of the Stars here on ATF: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/97838#yellow_matter_custard_dripping_from_a_dead_dog_s_eye_by_wadeyloops **But its so differently, to be a independent recipe creation, with his own unmistakable character!** **NOTES** A delish, cheesy Custard with lots of vanilla and a autentic, fresh Hazelnut as counterpart, whitch makes the vanilla not boring. The Hazelnut causes, that the vanilla get not lost after a few puffs or your taste get used for it. In the inspiring recipe, the "Creme Cheese Icing" was playing this par **SUBSTITUTE FLAVOURS** You can sub the Holy Vanilla with INW Shisha Vanilla if you prefer that taste. But then use a little more. 2% will work well. You can also sub the FW Yellow Cake, for JF Yellow Cake at same percentage. It makes the cake part a little thinner, but its still nice if you use 0.5% more. You can also sub the CAP NY Cheesecake, for INW Cheesecake, but use only 1.5%, because its stronger. **All other flavours are essential. If you sub them, the mix is maybe also good, but goes too far from the original taste of this recipe** **Testing** I need some time, and try a lot of variations, to get the recipe to this point. To make it more cheesy and a little more creamy, in Harmonie with the Vanilla and the Nut. All variations i have testet in Squape E, FeV VS and Dvarw MTL. At a resistance around 1 Ohm, MTL, with stainless steel wire at 20 Watts But iam sure, the type of the wire, will not play a important role. **Sweetness** Sweeten how you wish. Iam not really a friend of sweetener, but a small amount, like the recipe says, is necessary in my opinion. The concentrates give not enough of it, for this case. I hope you enjoy it like me :-) ------------------------------------------------ **Other recipe recommendation** **If you like a other good Custard-Vape,, try:** https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/115400#yellow_extasy_by_zugmaschine **Or if you like a very good Ice Cream-Vape, try:** https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/62201#holy_vanilla_ice_cream_by_zugmaschine


CAP New York Cheesecake     2%FLV Cream     0.5%FLV Sweetness     0.2%FW Cake (yellow)     1.5%FA Custard Premium     3%FA Hazel Grove (hazelnut)     1.2%INW Custard     1.25%OOO Vanilla Custard Cheesecake     2.5%

Total Flavor: 12.15%