YM Cheesecake Custard
This recipe is inspired from one of the Stars here on ATF: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/97838#yellow_matter_custard_dripping_from_a_dead_dog_s_eye_by_wadeyloops
**But its so differently, to be a independent recipe creation, with his own unmistakable character!**
A delish, cheesy Custard with lots of vanilla and a autentic, fresh Hazelnut as counterpart, whitch makes the vanilla not boring.
The Hazelnut causes, that the vanilla get not lost after a few puffs or your taste get used for it.
In the inspiring recipe, the "Creme Cheese Icing" was playing this par
You can sub the Holy Vanilla with INW Shisha Vanilla if you prefer that taste. But then use a little more. 2% will work well.
You can also sub the FW Yellow Cake, for JF Yellow Cake at same percentage. It makes the cake part a little thinner, but its still nice if you use 0.5% more.
You can also sub the CAP NY Cheesecake, for INW Cheesecake, but use only 1.5%, because its stronger.
**All other flavours are essential. If you sub them, the mix is maybe also good, but goes too far from the original taste of this recipe**
I need some time, and try a lot of variations, to get the recipe to this point.
To make it more cheesy and a little more creamy, in Harmonie with the Vanilla and the Nut.
All variations i have testet in Squape E, FeV VS and Dvarw MTL.
At a resistance around 1 Ohm, MTL, with stainless steel wire at 20 Watts
But iam sure, the type of the wire, will not play a important role.
Sweeten how you wish.
Iam not really a friend of sweetener, but a small amount, like the recipe says, is necessary in my opinion.
The concentrates give not enough of it, for this case.
I hope you enjoy it like me :-)
**Other recipe recommendation**
**If you like a other good Custard-Vape,, try:** https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/115400#yellow_extasy_by_zugmaschine
**Or if you like a very good Ice Cream-Vape, try:** https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/62201#holy_vanilla_ice_cream_by_zugmaschine
CAP New York Cheesecake 2%FLV Cream 0.5%FLV Sweetness 0.2%FW Cake (yellow) 1.5%FA Custard Premium 3%FA Hazel Grove (hazelnut) 1.2%INW Custard 1.25%OOO Vanilla Custard Cheesecake 2.5%Total Flavor: 12.15%