Repool backwards


Another looper remix, but with an unorthodox route. As a base I was thinking of using VTA LMP as a main lemon note but then that wouldn’t be a looper remix would it? So I used what’s notoriously known to be in a looper recipe and that’s TFA fruit circles, everybody knows to expect lemon pledge from this concentrate so I don’t want any whinging and whining 😂 after a week or two it calms down enough to not be perceived as old lady potpourri. The orange note comes from the carrot cake which also has a walnut note but with it only being the slightest touch it does nothing but help the cereal side of things and the cream cheese icing gives a richness to the milk. Moving on, my memory fails me to wether there was any sort of “berry crunch” aspect to the original juice in question but with only citrus being featured it seemed a bit one dimensional so DV berry crush was used to add that extra dimension I was looking for, I tried a few different berry concentrates including WF berry cobbler which was excellent as far as the berries were concerned but having to take it to such a level where the berries came through I was introducing too much AP so I tried FA forest mix and VTA forest fruits but finally settled on DV berry crush as it seemed to work with the cereal a bit better. The FLV milk adds just a touch of malt that I was looking for. Puff cereal is a good base but only low as it contains quite a bit of AP, FA cookie gives the cereal a sort of “cooked/oven baked” tinge that I was looking for, The cream puff helps both sides out, the cereal side and adds a touch of butyric for that full fat milk taste, the Devon cream thickens it and adds a velvety touch. All in all it’s a different take on a classic and I’d love you to try it 😁 If you like what I do and this recipe then please rate and review accordingly ❤️


CC Devon Cream     2%DV Berry Crush     2.5%FLV Milk     0.75%FLV Sweetness     0.5%FA Cookie     0.75%TPA Fruit Circles     2.15%VT Lemon Meringue Tart     0.75%WF Carrot Cake SC     1.25%WF Cream Puff SC     2%WF Puff Cereal (Frosted) SC     1.1%

Total Flavor: 13.75%