3-2-1 B.O.C


A simple coconut cookie spiked with fresh blood orange. INW Coconut cookies & INW Cheesecake is a match made in heaven... Adapted from my Caramel Cheesecake base, I pushed the Coconut Cookies a little higher to produce a delectable, fresh coconut cookie. Both these ingredients are just sublime and when combined, are magnificent! This pairing fuses the best characteristics of each flavor to produce a light & crisp vanilla flavored coconut cookie accentuated with the rich & creamy notes of INW Cheesecake to produce a mind blowing cookie. FW Blood Orange is (still) the undisputed king of oranges - a somewhat bitter, slightly sweet, blood orange with a hint of grapefruit. It sits unassumingly in the background and does not dominate the cookie base in the least. Feel free to increase to 2% if you prefer a more prominent blood orange presence. Give this baby 3 to 5 days to settle and enjoy!


FW Blood Orange     1%INW Coconut Cookies (yc)     3%INW Yes, We Cheesecake     2%

Total Flavor: 6%