SUPB [Straight Up Peanut Butter]


No nonsense! No gimmicks! Just straight up peanut butter goodness! So, this is where my soul crushing and money consuming journey of finding the best peanut butter vape took me. Every flavor in here that's not PB is to help the profile out and make it the best it could be on it's own, without going into custard/ice cream/etc territory. TPA DX Peanut Butter | FLV Peanut Butter: The peanut butter base. Those are arguably the two best PBs on the market. The DX PB is the main flavor, FLV PB is here to boost it up. The only other PB I would even slightly consider is CAP's Peanut Butter V2, since it's miraculously light years ahead of the V1. Maybe a good substitute if you can't get FLV's PB. FA Peanut: This is in here to bolster the PB just a little bit more. Any higher percentage would kill the overall flavor, but 0.5% is just right. TPA DX Marshmallow | TPA Marshmallow: I know what you're thinking: Both of these in the same recipe? What heresy is this?! But hear me out: TPA's DX Marshmallow tastes nothing like the regular one, and it's great! I think it's another underrated DX flavoring and one of my favorite marshmallows. Both of these in combination are my marshmallow stone. In general, the marshmallow really helps the whole recipe out in giving some sweetness and good mouthfeel, but doesn't take away from the pure PB experience. FW Butterscotch Ripple | FW Caramel (Salted) | FA Honey: The salted caramel and butterscotch ripple just go great with PB. FA's Honey is really nice with caramel and creams in general. At those percentages there a not at all overpowering, but still noticeable and give some more dimension to the overall taste. After 3 days it becomes vapeable, I wouldn't recommend trying to vape this at any earlier point. Best after 2 weeks minimum! I hope you find as much enjoyment in this recipe as I do, it cost me a lot of tears and money to get it to this point. Also I'm always open to suggestions on how to improve on it, don't hesitate to shoot me a message. Have a nice vape!


FLV Peanut Butter     2%FW Butterscotch Ripple     0.5%FW Caramel (salted)     0.3%FA Honey     0.2%FA Peanut     0.5%TPA DX Marshmallow     1.5%TPA Dx Peanut Butter     6%TPA Marshmallow     1%

Total Flavor: 12%