Stoned Alone


All my recipes could be better. For Mixers' Club's "a season for new beginnings," theme back in January, I went all the way back to the beginning and tried make an improved version of my very first recipe to post on ATF, a ridiculously over-complicated attempt to make a key lime custard bar with almond-coconut-graham crust that used 13 ingredients. Embarrassing. Here's the same profile tasting even better with just five ingredients. The first several attempts to drag that recipe four years into the future weren't quite right, but after months of very intermittent tinkering finally hit upon a combination I found delightful. Named after the way I've spend a few too many New Years.


FA Almond     1%FA Coco' (coconut)     1%TPA Graham Cracker Clear     2%TPA Key Lime     3%TPA Vanilla Custard II     3%

Total Flavor: 10%