Prickly Pearry


It's that old Honey Pearry by the Vapor Chef profile - honeydew and pear with a hint of strawberry, with some new twists. TFA Honeydew is already outrageously juicy, and I've enjoyed recipes that use INW Cactus to make it even juicier. But if you do that, you have to deal with the taste of INW Cactus. Enter the new INW Prickly Pear. It's almost as juicy as Cactus. I don't think it actually tastes like prickly pear fruit, though it might if mixed with something like CAP Sweet Guava. But, I digress. It really tastes like some kind of juicy, sweet apple/melon blend. Which makes it a perfect complement for honeydew/pear. Next, cooling. The Honeydew-Pear pairing was already a fantastic summer juice because it's so juicy and refreshing, but I never thought to add cooling to it back in the day because Koolada/Polar Blast never seemed like it would be a good fit. Add some WS-23, though... wow.


INW Prickly Pear     2%JF Strawberry Sweet     3%OTHR WS-23     0.5%TPA Honeydew     2%TPA Honeysuckle (pg)     1%TPA Pear     4%

Total Flavor: 12.5%