SHRBT - Blood Orange Sherbet (WiP) | Live Mixing


This recipe has turned out really nicely, and I will continue to expand on it. 50/50 Lime Bar is an underrated flavoring that packs a nice candied lime with subtle cream. That's utilized as the main sherbet note, with the blood orange and pink raz filling out the rest of the profile It's a very bright recipe, with lime and orange citrus dominating the profile. The finish is accompanied by the raz. The depth, while simple, does pack in all three flavor profiles, which seem balanced nicely. Lastly, I want to improve this recipe by utilzing a different orange. Something that will pair with the lime a bit better, something as bright and as sweet. I also want to add a bit more of a cream note (think yogurt actually, for a "Yerbet". So stay tuned to my recipes here, and on my YouTube for updates on this profile. Watch the development of this recipe here:


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%FA Blood Orange     3.5%MB Pink Raspberry     3%OOO 50/50 Lime     5%

Total Flavor: 12%