Chewy Kiwi Candy | Chewy Candy Base / Stone


A slightly different take on a chewy kiwi candy. My current ADV. Believe it or not, I just woke up one day and had this recipe in my head. I immediately grabbed my supplies and got to work. After mixing up a few batches, this is what I landed on. I'm already halfway through a 120 ml bottle of this version and still loving it, which is rare for me. Usually I get bored of flavors after one to two days. If you leave the kiwi out, you also get a great base for any chewy candy profile to pair with other fruits. INW Kiwi: By far my favorite kiwi. It is also (like many Inawera fruits) slightly candy-like and fits the recipe like a glove. TPA DX Marshmallow: Taste-wise this is the perfect marshmallow to achieve the "chewy" aspect of the candy profile. Imho there is no debate in using any other marshmallow flavoring here. Also steeps quicker than regular marshmallow flavorings. MB Milkshake: A great support for the marshmallow. You could probably achieve a similar effect by combining butterscotch ripple with meringue or something like that, but why go through the hassle when Molinberry's Milkshake can be used like a one-shot for that. Also it is more potent than most Molinberry flavorings, so no more than 0.5% is needed. FA Jammy/Candy Wizard: This is the glue that holds the whole thing together. It works so well in here, it almost feels like cheating. TPA Sour: Also a vital part. Just keep in mind when using other fruits in this recipe to bumb them up a bit in percentage, because malic acid is known to mute flavors a bit. But this works in our favor when it comes to the chewy candy part, because it keeps the TPA DX Marshmallow and MB Milkshake in check, so that it doesn't taste like a fruity marshmallow milkshake in the end. It's okay as SNV, but really shines the more time it has to steep. I recommend at least 7 days. Have a nice vape!


FA Jammy/Candy Wizard     1%INW Kiwi     3%MB Milkshake     0.5%TPA DX Marshmallow     3%TPA Sour     0.2%

Total Flavor: 7.7%