Apple Sesame Pie
This recipe is an homage to Inaweras Sesame, the flavor that kept me off cigarettes when I started vaping.
A sweet and fluffy bakery profile with just the right amount of crusty spiciness and fresh apple slices inside.
INW Biscuit, OoO Yellowcake, CAP Sugar Cookie and FA Custard Premium build the bakery base of this recipe. The yellowcake tastes amazing but lacks some creaminess which is why I added the one and only premium custard. Biscuit and sugar cookie take care of crust and delicious sweetnesses.
FA Fuji Apple is amazing on its own but gets some help by FA Lime Tahity adding a little sour juiciness and TPA Dragonfruit which helps the apple flavor not to get lost between the bakery flavors.
And then there is the star of this recipe. INW Sesame is a strong concentrate that gets far too little attention. It’s toasted, nutty notes are the key to make this recipe what it is.
Get your hands on this flavor if you don’t own it yet! I know you will like it.
(Update 2021: when I wrote this sentence I knew nothing about flavors and this was my first recipe lol. But inw sesame is still interesting. Sesame 2.0 too btw.)
Give this mix at least 10 days to steep because that’s when the sesame will start to kick in!
I mixed this for my dvarw and vapefly holic mtl attys but please let me know how it performs on a DL device.
[]( "VAPICON DIY-Magazin")Recipe
CAP Sugar Cookie 2.5%FA Apple Fuji 2%FA Custard Premium 2%FA Lime Tahity Cold Pressed 0.2%INW Biscuit 0.5%INW Sesame 1%OOO Cake (Yellow) 3%TPA Dragonfruit 0.3%Total Flavor: 11.5%