Commodore Mango


Years ago, after trying someone's Honey Pearry remix (Pear, Honeydew, some Strawberry) and tweaking it to my liking, one of the first things I wanted to do was make a mango version. Unfortunately for me, that was before FLV Mango and other great mango flavors even existed, and my attempts were so bad I had to give up and settle for a peach version. I've finally revisited that old desire, and making a juicy, sweet honeydew/pear with a nice mango top note proved easy thanks to the combination of FLV Mango and VT Shisha Mango. The INW Prickly Pear makes it extra juicy while enhancing both the pear and melon aspects.


FLV Mango     1%INW Prickly Pear     2%TPA Honeydew     2%TPA Honeysuckle (pg)     1%TPA Pear     4%VT Shisha Mango     1.5%

Total Flavor: 11.5%